Most businesses have a blog but few capitalise on its potential.  Your blog can be an enormously effective marketing tool but only if you use it! If you have neglected your blog because you are too busy or you are unsure about how to write effective posts, I can help!

7 Reasons Why Blogging is Important for Your Business

There are actually more than seven reasons why you should focus on your blog but here are the biggies:

1. Blogging Improves Your Search Engine Rankings

Blogging helps to move your site up the rankings because you are adding fresh content,  you can include your keywords and any posts of sufficient length will be indexed as new pages. You can also feature dynamic content in the shape of images and videos which add interest and create another way for search engines to find you. If your posts are shared then that helps too.

2. Blogging Builds Trust

Informative articles and good advice will establish you as an authority in your field. Your readers will then return to your site in order to learn more. You will be building trust and developing a relationship with your audience.

3. Good Content Keeps Readers With You

The longer visitors remain on your site the closer they move towards making a purchase. Quality blog posts will ensure that they hang around and whilst they are on your site they aren’t buying from anyone else.

4. Your Posts are Convincers

Blogs can be used to develop an understanding of your products and services. You can highlight the benefits and remove objections. Your potential customers can learn everything they need to know and will be ready to buy when they contact you.

5. Blogs Help You to Develop Your Future Strategy

By inviting readers to comment and share you will discover what gets people thinking and talking. A better understanding of what excites your customers will help you to tailor your products and services to their needs.

6. Evolving Your Blog Gets You Thinking Too

In working on your content strategy, even if you don’t write the posts yourself, you are forced to think carefully about your business.  In deciding on subject matter and by analysing your customers’ responses you will be forced to examine your strengths and weaknesses.

7. You Will have to Keep Your Finger on the Pulse

Providing thought provoking, informative and accurate content means keeping up to date with your industry, current trends and talking points. This will ensure that you can be an early adopter, that you never miss an opportunity and that you can position yourself as a leading authority.

Your blog could make all the difference if it has genuine impact. Insightful posts are a cost efficient way to get your business noticed . I can write highly readable blogs with effective headlines that attract attention and inspire confidence in what you do. I can write the posts that really matter.